Trying to monetize your content?

Benefit from our expertise on getting your content on multiple platforms. Just sit back, relax and watch the views shoot up!

Keep working on content, we'll make sure it's monetized

Start working with SunMedia Stream and we will provide you with a one stop shop to publish you content and monetize it on several platforms.

Several platforms

We have built apps that appear on several platforms. This gives you more exposure and less headaches.

Built in hosting

You don't have to worry about hosting or about bandwidth cost, we do that for you.

Comprehensive reports

We offer comprehensive reports about how your videos are doing. Sit back and relax and do what you do best: create more content

Digital Marketing

We take care of growing the apps that serve your videos and finding users that love them.

Free updates

Our apps are updated regularly to comply with latest platform standards.

Easy deployment

We can help you import your content from current platforms and provide tools to easy add your videos to our system.

Start monetizing your content on TV based platforms

Keep being creative

Look, we know you're the creative type. We are the rational type. And that's OK, because we can all play to our strenghts. Keep being creative and we'll harness our rational self to:

  • Add your content to as many platforms as we can
  • Keep you away from the hassle of hiring dev teams, managing them and updating apps once the platform changes their requirements
  • Worry about hosting, bandwidth costs and CDN's to serve your videos with a low latency and as few rebuffers as possible

All you have to do is decide if you want to work with us. Hit that contact form and let's have a discovery call today!

Client Reviews

They started working with SunMedia Stream and here is what they have to say:

All it takes is to contact us.

We will take care of the rest. Don't rely just on one platform to get your videos out there, be seen and making money.